Join us in ‘Little by Little’

To date we have reached a total of $5,565 dollars in donations through GlobalGiving, however we still have a long way to go to reach our goal. That’s why we joined ‘Little by Little’ a campaign where the donations you make could be multiplied by GlobalGiving for the benefit of our cause.

Our goal is to reach $ 2,000 dollars to have the chance to earn this benefit! And you can help us by donating since $10 USD. Donations of up to $50 USD will be matched, so your donation is amplified! 

You just have to enter our project and make your donation from Monday, April 8 (starting at 8:00 am) until Friday, April 12 (ending 11:59 pm). A week where we can change the lives of many young Colombians and their communities!


Our project in:



Fundación JPGC

Desde hace 15 años, brindamos oportunidades de becas a estudio de posgrado, para jóvenes de limitados recursos en Colombia.

Proyectamos la fe y el amor que Juan Pablo siempre tuvo por Colombia y su gente, impulsado siempre con la creencia de que la educación es el medio para alcanzar grandes cosas.


Calle 78 N° 13-24 Oficina 303
Teléfono: (601) 926 0081
Celular: 300 818 1502
Bogotá – Colombia

ESAL 2024
Tienda JPGC
Nuestros Bonos

Somos GlobalGiving


Red de Becarios

¡Creamos la Red de Becarios de la Fundación y queremos que todos hagan parte de ella!

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